Explain the triple constraint and its importance in project management.
The triple constraint is three variables- cost, time and scope The variables are interdependent and all projects are limited in some way by these three constraints. Its importance in project management is that it helps to make intelligent trade offs between between time, cost and scope and helps to prevent failure in IT projects.
Describe the two primary diagrams most frequently used in project planning
In project planning the two primary diagrams that are used are:
- PERT chart: which is a Program Evaluation and Review Technique chart and is a graphical network model that depicts a projects tasks and the relationships between those tasks
- Gantt Chart: a simple bar chart that depicts project tasks against a calendar
Identify the three primary areas a project manager must focus on managing to ensure success
The three primary areas that a project manager must focus on are:
- People: One of the hardest and most critical tasks a project manager undertakes. Resolving conflicts ithin the team and balancing the needs of the project with the personal and professional needs of the team are two of the challenges facing project managers
- Communications: While many companies develop unique project management frameworks based on familiar project management standards, or adopt specific methodologies al of them agree that communication is the key to excellent project management
- Change: successful organisations and successful people learn to anticipate and react appropriately to change.
Outline 2 reasons why projects fail and two reasons why projects succeed
Two reasons why projects fail include:
- Unrealistic expectations
- Lack of project management
Two reasons why projects succeed include:
- Good project charter
- Good decision making structure
All answers came from Business Driven Information Systems (Baltzan, Phillips, Lynch, Blakey)